SKY Construction’s management believes in an open-door policy and our Managing Director is personally involved with each project. A “hands-on” approach ensures that good relations are maintained between clients and the company at all times.
All personnel are actively involved in each project from the Managing Director sitting in on meetings to the Financial Director supporting suppliers, quality control, contracts managers, quantity surveyors and foremen running day-to-day operations on site.
SKY Construction is a fully integrated company with the head office in full support of the site to ensure quality project delivery to meet the client’s satisfaction.
The company is continuously investing in various aspects of improvement to keep up with the continuously evolving construction industry.
- Skills Development: We will be awarding bursaries for studies toward BSc (Quantity Surveying and Construction Management) degrees to three individuals, two of whom are currently abroad obtaining experience in Britain and Dubai. Both these individuals will be joining our workforce in the future. The third individual is currently studying towards obtaining his Honours degree and is employed by the company.
- Continual skills transfer: This happens constantly on our construction sites by placing emphasis on employing ‘unschooled’ labour and placing them with qualified tradesmen and sub-contractors. Currently, we have a selected capable number of employees who will join SETA-accredited training initiatives through our labour broker “Pro-active Labour Consultants”.
- Writing new policies: This is to ensure best practice at all times which is an integrated part of starting and finishing a project which includes all personnel providing their experience and expertise to each project
- Equipment: Only the best equipment is used, not only to equip our team with the ability to execute each task but also to learn and be enriched with knowledge about using top-class equipment, safely and correctly.
- Technology: Computerised systems and an electronic reporting structure ensure the integration of all aspects of construction and provide real-time reporting, for excellent project control and management.
We have a large variety of domestic sub-contractors with whom we have built steady, lasting relationships. Our contractors specialise in a wide variety of construction aspects and have many years of experience in the construction industry, as a whole. All our sub-contractors have proven their expertise.
SKY Construction takes quality and environmental control very seriously. Correct waste management is applied on all construction sites and disposals are done at official disposal sites set out by local municipalities.
Only the best Practice Principles are implemented and enforced on each project, with a stringent quality insurance initiative at all times.
Security and stock control is an integrated part of site establishment and watchmen and security procedures are implemented to prevent losses, due to theft or misuse, and unauthorized activities on each site.